
The main task of NordVulk is to offer scientists from the Nordic countries opportunities to work in the active volcanological environment in Iceland.

Each year NordVulk advertises five positions for young nordic researchers in volcanology, granted for 1-2 years at a time. The Nordic fellows work on their own research projects and/or participate in ongoing research projects in volcanology and related fields with the staff of the Institute of Earth Sciences

One position of nordic senior researcher is granted for 4 years. NordVulk has a Nordic program committee with one representative from each Nordic country. The Nordic programme commitee has an advisory role and selects the young Nordic fellows and the Nordic senior researcher in collaboration with the IES staff. NordVulk is a nordic collaborative program and is funded by the Nordic council of ministers and the Icelandic government.

Further information about Nordic Volcanological Center 


Center Manager for the Nordic Volcanogical Center

Picture of Rikke Pedersen Rikke Pedersen
  • Project manager
5255483 rikke [at] insar processing;;modeling of crustal deformation;; Nordic Volcanological Center