Friday seminars of Institute of Earth Sciences and Nordic Volcanological Center 3. May at 12:30 in Askja, 3rd floor meeting room
Hera Guðlaugsdóttir (Postdoc, Institute of Earth Sciences)
"Long-lasting high-latitude volcanic eruptions triggering sudden stratospheric warmings: An idealized model experiment"
List of Friday seminars of Institute of Earth Sciences and Nordic Volcanological Center

The temporary enhancement of the stratospheric aerosol layer after major explosive volcanic eruptions can trigger climate anomalies beyond the duration of the radiative forcing. Whereas the mechanisms responsible for long-lasting response to volcanic forcing have been extensively investigated for tropical eruptions, less is known about dynamical responses to high-latitude eruptions. Here I will discuss results from climate simulation ensembles of an idealized long-lasting (6 months) northern hemisphere high-latitude eruption where the northern hemisphere response is investigated during the first three post-eruption boreal winters, focusing on dynamics governing the stratospheric polar vortex as well as stratosphere-troposphere coupling.
All are welcome.